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How does organic fertilizer equipment achieve degradation and aging of organic materials


To produce organic fertilizer efficiently, the use of organic fertilizer equipment is an inevitable choice. The processing of organic materials requires a process of degradation and aging, so how is this process achieved? Tank aerobic fermentation process is the aerobic fermentation process of organic fertilizer, and the principle of high temperature aerobic rapid composting technology is practical. The above is the process of microbial decomposition of organic materials. In this process, organic matter is converted into small molecules of fulvic acid under the action of microorganisms, unusable nutrients are decomposed into available ammonium phosphorus and potassium, and large molecules are converted into fulvic acid. The conversion of protein into small amino acids to achieve the degradation of organic matter is a process of organic matter conversion. At the same time, the compost material also gathers a lot of heat, so that the compost temperature reaches more than 60 ° C, and lasts for a period of time, and has a killing effect on pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds, so as to achieve the harmless composting process. The low temperature aging process of organic fertilizers allows organisms to gently multiply and continue to break down organic matter. In addition, organic matter in the process of reproduction, decomposition, can secrete a large number of biological stimulants, improve the quality and efficiency of organic fertilizer.

During microbial activity, a large amount of oxygen is required, the height of the tank compost is high, and it is difficult to reaerate, which requires external force to force aeration in the pile. The forced aeration system of the organic fertilizer production line equipment, high ventilation rate and automatic control perfectly solve all the needs of the process.
