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The purpose of building organic fertilizer production line


Organic fertilizers are rich in organic acids, polypeptides, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, organic fertilizers can provide nutrients for planting. It has a great effect on agriculture. Also, if you want to make better fertilizer, you can easily make a production line of organic waste fertilizer. Cow manure, chicken manure and other organic wastes are good materials for organic fertilizer. Form an organic fertilizer line, and you can economically recycle this organic waste. The preparation of this kind of fertilizer can improve soil conditions and increase soil fertility.

If organic fertilizer is applied, its organic matter will enhance soil fertility and buffering capacity. As a result, soil conditions will be more suitable for plant growth. If you fertilize with this kind of fertilizer, the plants will produce more. Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter and other elements. These can provide nutrients for planting and soil microbes. Microbial activity is good for soil, and soil is good for plant growth. At the same time, nutrients in the soil and fertilizer also help increase the plant's yield. The organic fertilizer you produce can improve the utilization rate of fertilizer. This kind of fertilizer is rich in nutrients, but the amount is less than that of chemical fertilizer. A chemical has a single element. If you fertilize with organic fertilizer, the two types of fertilizer go hand in hand. As a result, their combination will improve fertilizer utilization.
