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What are the advantages of modern organic fertilizer processing equipment

 Organic fertilizer equipment for modern processing livestock manure organic fertilizer has the following advantages:

1, the organic processing time is shortened from 30-90 days of in-situ composting to 7-15 days, and the processing time is greatly shortened

2, livestock manure can be treated every year to achieve continuous production of organic fertilizer production lines

3, the production scale can be designed according to the output of livestock and poultry manure, and the processing capacity is large

4, the whole process of livestock and poultry manure treatment is controllable, and the processing does not pollute the environment

5, after the treatment of organic fertilizer nutrition content is high, easy to transport and the use of traditional artificial compost is not suitable for the development of modern agriculture, simple composting method processing livestock manure for a long time, organic fertilizer nutrient content is low, slow release, after years of development, modern organic fertilizer processing equipment has become the future development trend of organic fertilizer production.
