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What are the effects of organic manure on soil processed by organic fertilizer production line


Chicken manure is a common organic fertilizer raw material, through the organic fertilizer production line processing, can become high-quality organic fertilizer. What does this fertilizer do to the soil?

First of all, organic fertilizer can improve soil structure. The organic matter in chicken manure can be decomposed into humus, increase the soil's aggregate structure, improve soil permeability and water retention, and reduce soil compaction and make the soil softer.

Secondly, organic fertilizer can improve soil fertility. Chicken manure is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, which can be decomposed by microorganisms in the soil into nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized by crops. Long-term application of organic fertilizer can increase the amount of organic matter and microorganisms in the soil, thereby increasing the fertility of the soil.

Finally, organic fertilizer also has a positive effect on the protection of soil environment. The use of organic fertilizers can reduce the amount of fertilizer used and lost, reducing the risk of soil pollution. At the same time, organic fertilizers can also improve the diversity of soil microorganisms and promote the balance of soil ecosystems.

The processing of chicken manure organic fertilizer by organic fertilizer equipment can improve soil structure, increase fertility, promote growth and protect the environment. Therefore, the rational use of organic fertilizer is one of the important measures to maintain soil health and improve crop yield.
