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What is soil organic matter? One

Soil organic matter refers to the substance derived from life in soil generally, it is the most active part of soil and is foundation of soil fertility. Soil organic matter refers to organic compounds in soil, including carbon compounds, lignin, proteins, resins, waxes and so on. The source of organic matter in soil is very extensive, for example, plant, animal and microbial residue, excreta and secretion, waste water and residue. Microorganisms are the earliest sources of soil organic matter. In addition, the contents of soil organic matter vary greatly among different soils, the contents of which may be as high as 20% or more than 30% (such as peat soil, fertile forest soil, etc.), and the contents of which are less than 1% or 0.5% (such as desert soil and sandy soil).
   What is soil organic matter? (一)
The advantages of soil organic matter
Soil organic matter contains various nutrients required by plant growth and development, and is also an important source of phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and trace elements in soil. And more and more organic fertilizer equipments like new type organic fertilizer production line and bio-fertilizer production line are used to produce these high-quality fertilizers for market and planting.
 1. Promote the growth and development of crops.
  Humic acid in organic matter can enhance plant respiration, improve the permeability of cell membrane, enhance the absorption of nutrients, and at the same time vitamins and some hormones in organic matter can promote the growth and development of plants.
2. Improve soil structure.
Humus in organic matter is the main cementing agent of soil aggregates. On the one hand, it can reduce the viscosity of sticky soil, reduce the resistance of cultivation and improve the quality of cultivation.On the other hand, it can improve the agglomeration of sandy soil and improve its excessively loose state.
3. Improve the ability of soil water and fertilizer conservation.
Organic colloids in soil organic matter have strong adsorption capacity, which can improve the ability of soil to retain fertilizer and store water, and also improve the soil's buffer against acid and alkali.
4. Promote the activity of soil microorganisms.
Soil organic matter provides the energy and nutrient required by soil microorganisms and is conducive to microbial activity.The energy and nutrients required by the life activities of soil microorganisms are directly and indirectly derived from soil organic matter. Moreover, humus can regulate the acid-base reaction of soil, promote the improvement of physical properties such as soil structure, and make it conducive to the activities of microorganisms. Soil microbial biomass increases with the increase of soil organic matter mass fraction, However, due to the low mineralization rate of soil organic matter, it does not have a rapid stimulation effect on microorganisms like fresh plant residue, but provides energy to microorganisms for a long time.
5. Increase soil temperature.
Organic matter is dark color material, it is brown to black brown commonly, heat absorption ability is strong, can raise ground temperature and improve soil thermal condition.