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Do you know how to add organic fertilizer for the fruit trees?

 If soil is the body, minerals are bones, water is blood, and organic matter (humus) is muscle.
Therefore, the organic matter in soil is indispensable.Orchards with low organic matter content will easy to suffer from severe deficiency, smaller fruit, lower quality, worse coloration, aggravated virus disease, aggravated frostbite, and some time even death trees. So it is very important to add good quality organic fertilizer and improve the quality of the soil.
The autumn is the best season of fruit tree roots growth. Add organic fertilizer in the autumn can improve the trees flower bud quality, make the good base for the flowering in the nest year, and also can enhance the resistance for fruit tress to pass the cold winter. In this way, we said the Autumn is the best time for the fruit tress to use the organic fertilizer.
Organic fertilizer (NY525-2012 standard) 
organic matter ≥ 45 %, N + P + K ≥ 5, 10, 12%.
The effects of organic fertilizer on fruit tree:
1.Improved soil. The soil particle structure should be increased to improve soil physical and chemical properties, so as to make the soil porous
2.Dissolving soil nutrients. It can obviously reduce the loss of nitrogen fertilizer, restrain the fixation of soil on phosphorus, reduce soil's fixation on potassium, and increase the efficiency and protection of trace elements in fertilizer
3.Stimulation growth. Promoting the absorption and operation of nutrient elements, stimulating the division of root cells and promoting root growth;
4.Strengthens the resistance of tress. It can improve the ability of the fruit trees to resist drought, cold, disease resistance, insect resistance and salinity
5.To improve the fruit quality. The rich nutrient of organic fertilizer is absorbed by plant after decomposition of microorganisms, will improve the fruits quality.
① Improved soil
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
After use, the Soil is become much health
After use, the Soil is become much health 
② Dissolving Soil Nutrients
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
Before use, Fruit in varies maturity, small
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
After use, Fruit maturity is same and good
③ Stimulation Growth
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
Before use, Fruit is capacity is small and bad
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
After use, Fruit is bag and capacity is bigger
④ Strengthens the resistance of tress
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
Before use, plant is diseases and insect pests
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
After use, Inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria
⑤Improve the Fruit quality
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
Before use, Colour and lustre is poor, sugar is lower
Before use, the Soil is in heavy acidification
After use, the colour bright beautiful, capacity is bigger

Successful cases:
Ghana Organic Fertilizer Production Line Installation Site
Gansu Organic Fertilizer Production line Site
Organic Fertilizer Production Line Working Site