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How To Prevent Crop Fertilizer Damage?

 Prevent the crop fertilizer damage not only master the right fertilization, but also control the water supply, and the application of fermented organic fertilizer is also important for the improving soil and crop growth.
(1) Choose standard fertilizer. 
(2) Apply appropriate amount of fertilizer. 
 Ammonium bicarbonate per mu should not exceed 25 kg, and pay attention to closing up with soil after deep application; The amount of urea applied per mu should be controlled below 10kg; When applying foliar fertilizer, the appropriate concentration of various trace elements is generally between 0.01% and 0.1%, and macroelement (such as nitrogen) is between 0.3% and 1.5%. 
(3) Seed fertilizer isolation. 
 When sowing arid crops, fertilizer should be applied firstly and mixed into the soil layer to avoid direct contact with seeds. 
(4) Reasonable water supply. 
 When arid soil is too dry, it is advisable to irrigate the soil moderately before applying fertilizer, or add fertilizer to water to irrigate the soil. When applying volatile chemical fertilizer to paddy field, it is advisable to keep the appropriate shallow water layer in the field, and then carry out medium tillage. 
(5) Uniform application of chemical fertilizer.
 When spreading fertilizer, we need to pay attention to uniformly applying, if necessary, can mix the right amount of mud powder or fine sand to spread together. 
(6) Timely fertilization.
 Generally, it is appropriate to apply after dew dry in the sunrise, or fertilization in the afternoon, do not in the hot sun. In addition, must insist on the application of organic fertilizer through compost fermentation. NPK compound fertilizer is also the essential the crops growth and development.
 (7) If the aforementioned fertilizer damage happens to the crop carelessly, appropriate irrigation, drainage, or removal of the affected parts and other relevant measures should be taken promptly to control its development and promote the return to normal growth.