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How To Use NPK Compound Fertilizer Correctly?

  NPK Compound fertilizer has comprehensive nutrients, high content and good physical properties. However, How To Use NPK Compound Fertilizer Correctly? three problems should be paid attention to in the application process:
  First, select the varieties of npk compound fertilizer because of soil and crop, only in this way, can give play to its fertilizer effect. Rice, wheat, corn and other cereal crops need more nitrogen fertilizer, can choose nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer; Leguminous crops can fix the free nitrogen in the air and can use phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer. Some commercial crops can choose ternary or multivariate compound fertilizers that are suitable for local soil and climatic conditions.
  Second,Compound fertilizers shall be applied together with elemental fertilizers. The nutrient composition of the compound fertilizer is fixed. Only when it is applied together with various elemental fertilizers, can the nutrient requirements of crops be satisfied in different periods. Generally speaking, compound fertilizer is suitable for base fertilizer, while simple fertilizer can be applied as top fertilizer in the peak period and critical period. at the same time, it is essential to apply the organic fertilizer.
  Third, method must be suitable. In all kinds of compound fertilizers, the proportions and forms of various nutrients are different. In addition, the soil and crop species are different, so the fertilization methods should not be the same and should be treated differently. Cohesive soil fertility should be deep application, sandy soil is easy to defertilizer, which can be applied fertilizers with a small number of times. Compound fertilizers containing ammonium nitrogen should be covered with soil deeply to reduce losses. Compound fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium should be applied centrally and applied near the root system to avoid the fixation of nutrients and facilitate the absorption and utilization of crops. The expensive potassium dihydrogen phosphate should not be used as a base fertilizer in general, but as an extraneous forcing fertilizer or for seed soaking.